Golden advisor or how to start investing?

Investing is not easy, get advice at the beginning. Source: Tima Miroshnichenko
Investing is a process that begins long before a person actually starts to value money in the financial markets. Before any investment, the investor should first clarify what his investment horizon is, what he is investing for, and what capital he has available.
The investment horizon is the period of time during which the investor wants to hold the given asset. Ideally, one should only sell the investment after the investment horizon has expired.
"The most often recommended investment horizon is 8 - 10 years. But always consider this time with regard to the type of your investment."
In general, the longer the investment horizon, the greater the chance of a higher profit. With long-term investing, the risk associated with short-term falls in the markets recedes. Long-term investing is also advantageous in terms of tax relief. A short-term investment horizon is generally considered to be less than five years, a medium-term horizon is approximately fifteen years, and long-term investors are people who have not sold an asset for thirty years or more.
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The issue of the investment goal is also connected with the investment horizon. This is usually the amount that the investor wants to accumulate over time. After its acquisition, it can leave the markets even before the end of the investment horizon, thus eliminating the risk of possible loss.
"Precious metals represent one of the most stable and profitable investments in the long term. The Czech Mint is one of the leading sellers of investment gold in the Czech Republic. We offer clients commemorative gold coins or medals.

Before the investment itself, the investor should also clarify how much money he wants to invest - and whether he wants to buy an asset (or a group of assets) once or repeatedly. The strategy of gradual purchases, where the buyer regularly invests smaller amounts, is popular with novice investors.
The purchase of an asset should also be preceded by an education process, during which the investor should obtain as much information as possible about the future investment, consider its risks and evaluate its position on the market.
In the next part of the Golden Advisor, investment guide of the Czech Mint, we will analyze what the investment triangle is.
Czech Mint in Jablonec nad Nisou
The Czech Mint is not only one of the leading sellers of investment gold. It also focuses on gift coins and medals, which are intended for various occasions such as newborn babies, newlyweds or school graduates, and it is possible to engrave a personal dedication on them. Gold and silver have been symbols of luxury for thousands of years, granting people power, enabling them to build and destroy empires, arouse the interest of beautiful women and pursue their dreams. Thanks to the Czech Mint, one no longer has to be an Egyptian pharaoh or a Caribbean pirate to enjoy the shine of the precious metal and the benefits it brings. See for yourself at