Want to help yourself? Do it! Part five.
First, as at the beginning of each part, let's look at how my investments in gold and silver coins from the Czech Mint have fared so far. If you are interested in what I invested in and if previous purchases were successful, look at them in the fourth part of the article.
The first was a 1/25 oz Tolar gold investment coin. I bought it a few months ago for €133. As recently as last month, it was held at auctions in the range of €176 - €180, i.e. with an appreciation of over 30%. If I assumed last time that it was probably her ceiling and I don't expect any more growth at the moment, I was not wrong. Apparently, there was even a slight decrease in the price at auctions. They are usually auctioned for approx. €175 - €177, at least at the moment I have not found more. However, it did not significantly damage its evaluation.
The second - silver one-ounce Czech lion investment coin - anniversary - ruthenium, which I bought at the Czech Mint for €62, was last auctioned for a fantastic €98. But it didn't stop there. Today, the starting price at auctions for this coin is from €104 to an incredible €130! I found even more. In a short time, the price doubled, and today, at the purchase price of €62, it represents more than 100% appreciation! No honest bank will give me that kind of interest, and I wouldn't even get it with the shares of some great company. Without the risk of losing the initial investment, because the precious metal in my coin still remains precious metal.
I will only briefly touch on the third investment - 1/25 oz gold coin Czech Lion 2018 stand - I bought it here for €119 and today it has already gone over €200 at auctions. The last price I recorded was €208. Great!

Well, just as briefly, but all the more joyfully about the one-ounce silver Czech lion investment coin with gold plating of the lion, but without ruthenium treatment, but numbered, which I bought at the Czech Mint for €62 as its "sister" with ruthenium treatment. The last time she was auctioned for, hold on - for more than €180!!! That's really powerful, an amateur like me takes a breath. Just great.
And now to my new investment. After the beautiful silver coins of lions with gold selective plating, this time I reached for the most popular coin with a Slovak theme and bought a one-ounce silver investment coin Eagle with gold plating (the eagle is coated with gold) and numbered right away. The issue has only one thousand pieces. And like a lion, she is simply beautiful. And super packaged - when you move the packaging, which has a lenticular graphic (I also heard about it for the first time, but saw it in the past, I just didn't know it was called that), you can always see the eagle from a different angle with its wings spread differently - as if it was flying and waved them. It's nice!
I paid €79 for this Eagle when I bought it at the Czech Mint. And what does a look at auction portals say?
At first nothing. Nothing at all. No one offered it, no one bid. As if it was so rare that none of the lucky owners of this gem wanted to give it up. A certain navigation could be that the "sister" of this coin, but without gold plating, is currently being auctioned for approximately €92, and its purchase price was €72.
I would have stayed in it, but then they helped me again at the Czech Mint and warned me that someone had decided to put the coin up for auction. After all, the great people from the Czech Mint stood by all my choices and obviously gave me good advice on what to invest in.
So - the starting prices for my last coin - a silver Eagle with gold plating range from 2,700 crowns, that's approximately €112, but this auction is moving at a fast pace and the price will hardly stay that way. More realistic auctions have a starting price of 3,490 to 3,790 crowns, i.e. around €145 to €157. Even if the price stopped at €112, it would be a decent performance, after all, it is an appreciation of more than 50%, but as a beginning investor and collector in one, I believe that it will be more like €157.
Hopefully I will be able to write more about it in the next blog. I'm really curious.
If you want to recap all my experiences with real investments, you can also find them in the articles "You want to help yourself part. 3, part 2 and part 1"

Dušan Budzak
amateur investor and starting collector