While interest in it is rising, stocks are falling or Why invest in gold

Photo: While interest in it rises, stocks fall or Why invest in gold, source: Pexels.com
When you think of investing in gold, most people think of gold bars neatly lined up in a pyramid tucked away in a safe somewhere. And it's a pleasing vision. Along with it, however, many people usually also say to themselves that whoever buys gold probably has more than enough money. But the truth is that gold, on the contrary, helps money. Investing in gold is one of the best ways for those who are thinking about their own future and want to really appreciate the money they have earned.
Investing in precious metals is one of the best ways to protect your hard-earned money from losing value, and what's more, to appreciate it for future generations.
Investment over gold
Most people already know today that letting money just sit in a current account is not the best way to multiply it. Not only due to inflation, they lose their value very quickly. On the contrary, gold has repeatedly proven its value throughout human history, which is constantly rising. Among investments, it means one of the greatest certainties. There are several reasons why you should buy gold with your savings:
It is highly sought after and respected. It has been used since forever and you can use it to buy anything, anywhere.
It can be exchanged quickly. Gold is traded around the world twenty-four hours a day. A buyer can thus be found in a matter of hours.
Its stocks are dwindling and interest in it is on the contrary rising. The gold deposits are largely mined. At the same time, the precious metal is still in high demand for personal use and in industrial sectors.
The sale of investment gold is not subject to VAT. And if it is sold by an individual, it is not subject to income tax either.
It maintains a constant value. Unlike money with gold, its owner will never find himself broke.
No need to invest large sums. With the Czech Mint, gold can be purchased gradually, making investments available to everyone.
It is very portable and can be stored anywhere.
"You can come and see the gold stored in the vaults of the Czech Mint at any time and enjoy it or take it home. Or we can send you regular mail - completely discreetly to a specific address.'
Insurance for old age and for children
It should be emphasized that investing in gold is a long-term affair. However, it can reliably secure you for the retirement that most of us look forward to with increasing apprehension. Or one day it can help your children in the beginning, whether they decide to turn part of the investment into a successful business or building a new home.