Minting of commemorative medals Běhej lesy
The premiere minting of commemorative medals for the competitors of the Běhej lesy series took place at the Czech Mint in Jablonec nad Nisou. The minting and christening was done by three of the loyal runners of the forest pack - Tomáš Burda, Jiří Synek and Filip Lau. The copper coin will belong to all participating runners, the silver coin to the winners. The master and mistress of the forest will even be presented with a wooden watch with a gold investment coin at the end of the series.
Spring has already arrived, not only in the calendar, but also with the sun in the sky and flowers on the trees. What other announcement of the coming forest season could we ask for? However, the organizers of Běhej lesy together with the Czech Mint have prepared one more surprise for you in the form of commemorative medals for the forest pack. The author of the design is Petr Patka and the forest medals will be a beautiful memory for the runners, both at the Czech race Běhej lesy and at the Slovak race Behaj lesmi.
To make the premiere mintage properly forest, 3 representatives of the loyal members of the forest pack - Jiří Synek, Tomáš Burda and Filip Lau - were invited for the minting of the first medals and their christening. They tried the minting and together with the author of the design, the representative of the Czech Mint Lenka Klimentová and the spokesman of Běhej lesy Richard Valoušek they christened the coins with champagne. Lenka Klimentová said. Raul (the organizer of Běhaj lesy) is our partner and it's a matter of trust."

"Here in nearby Bedřichov the summer Jizerska 50 takes place. We follow the motto "cross-country skiing in winter, walking in summer," adds Richard Valoušek. The Czech Mint also mints commemorative medals for participants of the legendary winter cross-country ski race. Its summer version, the Jizerská 50 RUN, is part of the Run the Forests series and of course has its place and name on the commemorative medals.
From Jablonec we wish you every success in running and in life and we will see you in the forest! The season will start on Saturday, April 15, 2023 with a race in Brdy.