If you fail to choose from the range of minted motifs, we also offer medals with double-sided personification. These have space for engraving your text, photo, logo or even a simple graphics on both the reverse and obverse!
Silver medals with double-sided personification
- 42 g, 50 mm
- 10 oz, 75 mm
- 20 oz, 100 mm
- 1 kg, 100 mm
- Prices starting at CZK 3990
Zlaté medaile s oboustrannou personifikací
- 1/2 oz, 28 mm
- 1 oz, 37 mm
- Prices starting at CZK 44790
If you are interested, please contact our brick-and-mortar stores or call our toll-free hotline +420 800 225 228.