Dedication with text
The dedication can contain several lines of text (the exact number of lines and characters is given for each product). The final text is aligned and centered horizontally and vertically with respect to the relief of the medal.
The Czech Mint uses special technology for medals with dedication. The computer-controlled diamond tip does not rotate when moving, it only carves very fine fonts or shapes into the material under slight pressure. In other words it is a machine analogue of hand engraving. The great advantage is that no material is removed during engraving unlike milling or other technologies. There is no loss of the precious metal of the medal.
Each medal can hold a different amount of text - during the order you will be informed about the maximum number of lines and characters that can be engraved on the medal. The final text is aligned and centered horizontally and vertically with respect to the relief of the medal. You can choose from two types of fonts - ordinary and decorative.
How to enter your own text on the medal:
- Choose a medal with a dedication from our offer.
- Click on "Enter dedication" and select the "Dedication with text"
- Fill the required text in the table and select the font.
- Add the medal to the shopping cart and complete the order.

Dedication with photography
In addition to the text, we can also engrave a photo on the medal.
The Czech Mint uses special technology for medals with dedication. The computer-controlled diamond tip does not rotate during movement, it only engraves an image into the material in the form of a fine grid of several tens of thousands dots under slight pressure. During production, there is no loss of the precious metal of the medal.
To properly engrave a photo on the medal, the following rules must be observed:
- Photos can be colourful or black and white, in JPG format with a minimum size of 500 kB and a higher resolution - optimally 4-5 megapixels, at least 1 megapixel.
- The image must be reasonably sharp and not blurred. Objects (people, animals, etc.) to be captured on the engraving should not be tightly cropped at the edge of the image. Strong lighting and less shadow can help (e.g. pay attention to shadows from the head covering in the face).
- The background should be different in color from the main subject of the photo (i.e the subject or face to be displayed) - this background will be removed in most cases. The photo will be cropped and adjusted to best suit the medal material used.
- In the case of a logo or other shape, we recommend you to add vector graphics in PDF
To enter your own photo on the medal:
- Choose a medal with a dedication from our offer.
- Click on "Enter dedication" and select the "Dedication with photo"
- Add a photo using the "Select photo" button.
- Add the medal to the shopping cart and complete the order.
- We will inform you by e-mail if the photo is not suitable for the medal.