Silver coin Human body - Lungs proof

Silver coin Human body - Lungs proof
Human body
The third silver coin of the Czech Mint from the series entitled Human Body is dedicated to the respiratory system - specifically the lungs.
The task of the respiratory system is the exchange of gases between the organism and the surrounding environment. Breathing, which is necessary for the conversion of nutrients into energy, is an involuntary process - we are only aware of it when we are concentrating on it or when it is disturbed in some way. In adults, the usual rate is between 12 and 20 breaths per minute and the average lung capacity is around 4 litres of air. Through the tiny chutes, of which there are 700 million in the lungs, oxygen enters the blood and carbon dioxide leaves the body. If these chutes were spread out and lined up side by side, their surface area would exceed 100 square metres, more than a badminton court.
The reverse side of the coin, which is the work of the medal maker Jan Štekel, DiS., bears a pair of human lungs, with a coloured incision leading one. The Latin inscription PULMO (lungs) completes the composition. On the obverse side, which is common to the whole cycle, you will find a coloured double helix of DNA. As the coins of the Czech Mint are issued with the foreign licence of the island of Niue, the obverse side bears its national emblem, the nominal value of 1 DOLLAR (NZD) and the year of issue 2025.
All twelve anatomical coins from the Human Body series can be stored in a collector's book which you can also find in the Czech Mint's offer.