Silver pendant Venus proof
Silver pendant Venus proof
The product can also be purchased directly in the stores of the Czech Mint
Silver pendant Venus proof
The silver pendant features Aphrodité, the most beautiful old-Greek goddess, known under the name of Venus in Roman mythology. According to the legend she was born out of the sea foam and rose from the sea in a shell at the Cyprus seashore. She was greatly worshipped on this island and, after Cyprus, her cult was adopted by the Greeks, and later on, by the Romans. In antique visual art, she was one of the most frequently depicted characters at sculptures, mosaics and vase paintings.
The pendant was inspired by the painting “The Birth of Venus“ by renowned Renaissance artist Sandro Boticelli. On the obverse side the author of the design used a detail from the painting – the portrait of Venus with hair flying in the wind – complemented with a motif of sea foam and text Bohyně krásy, lásky a plodnosti (Goddess of beauty, love and procreation).