History of Czech Coins - First Czech Coins - Denars stand

History of Czech Coins - First Czech Coins - Denars stand

Stock state
Sold out
Date of issue
March 2019

The product can also be purchased directly in the stores of the Czech Mint

A discount voucher cannot be applied to the product.

History of Minting

With the second replica of the cycle "History of Czech Coins" you will look back into the times of the cruel Middle Ages. The Premyslids ruled our country at that time and they coined the silver denarii, which means the first coins of the Czech rulers.

When the Celts left Central Europe at the end of the first century BC, there was nobody to mint the coins in our country for the next thousand years. Goods was exchanged for goods and people paid with scarfs. This changed in the Middle Ages when the Premyslid dynasty seized the power and began to mint their own coins - the silver denarii – in order to equal the rulers of other mighty tribes. Denarii were issued by Prince Boleslaus I the Cruel. Although he entered history as a murderer of his brother St. Wenceslas, he found a strong Czech state. Only a monarch had the right to mint the denarii, but he often gave it to the relatives in Moravia. Therefore a number of different coins was produced. The scenes were very simple - perhaps the portraits of the first Přemyslids, perhaps not (we recognize it since the coins of Prince Oldřich). There were also various religious motifs - perhaps because their actions were not too holy. They traded with slaves, denounced each other, imprisoned, tortured and murdered people, and devalued the currency. They melted the coins and minted them again while they took a little silver and replaced it with copper in order to enrich themselves. The denarii started to be used by the ordinary people and pushed out the barter, but they contained so little silver that no one was interested in ...

This is not the case of a replica of the Czech Mint´s denarius that was embossed of pure silver. The materials for its mintage were elaborated by the academic sculptor Jan Lukáš, who followed a pattern of the original historical coin - denarius of Boleslaus II.

The replica was inserted into the illustrated spatial pop-up book. Lucie Seifert's unmistakeable story tells you a number of interesting things about life and coining in the medieval world. The complete seven-part cycle of replicas of historical coins can be stored in an attractive collector's box. The schedule of issuance of each replica is not limited.


Collectors set
Czech mint
Author of the obverse
ak.soch. Jan Lukáš
Author of the reverse
ak.soch. Jan Lukáš
Numbered issue
10 g
30 mm
Czech Mint