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Repurchase of goods
Evaluation of collection
Frequently asked questions
There is only one - the Czech Mint, based in Jablonec nad Nisou - regardless of the fact that many other entities imitate our name.
If you want to easily and reliably distinguish the Czech Mint from other entities, ask them if they produce official currency, i.e. currency of the Czech Republic in nominal values of 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 CZK. The Czech Mint in Jablonec nad Nisou is the only one who can proudly say yes!
If you choose our store and our products, you can be sure that you will only receive what you actually ordered, for a given price and in the required quantity. You can choose whether to pay for the order in advance or by cash on delivery or you can buy the goods at one of our stores. We guarantee the purity of our precious metal products.
Thank you for your trust!
To ensure that our coins and medals reach all interested parties if possible, we have limited the number of pieces of one product that can be ordered by one person. If you want to order a specific product in larger quantity, please contact our sales department via the customer line +420 800 225 228 or e-mail
If part of the ordered items is not in stock, the order will not be shipped within the usual time. The entire shipment will be delayed and dispatched only when all items of the order are in stock. This will extend the delivery time.
If you want to receive the part of the order that is in stock as soon as possible, please state your request in the note when creating the order, or call the customer line +420 800 225 228 or contact us via e-mail We will be happy to deliver the goods to you separately, but you will pay for shipping several times.
A registered customer can primarily reserve upcoming titles from the issue plan of the Czech Mint and the Czech National Bank. This will prevent you from missing the product you are looking for.
You can also shop as an unregistered customer at the e-shop of the Czech Mint. We would still recommend registration if you were interested in accessing some of our services (see question 4). You will also appreciate the registration for further purchases, as you will not have to re-enter your address and contact information.
Yes, the prices of the Czech Mint are the same across all stores.
All details about the delivery of goods can be found here. The Czech Post is the exclusive carrier we cooperate with. It is the only czech carrier that delivers goods made of precious metals and insures consignments in the full amount of the ordered goods.
The commission of the Czech National Bank decides what appears on the Czech coins that we mint for the Czech Republic. If we want to set out any topic that does not appear in the Czech National Bank's issuance plan, we must do so as a purely private entity - not as a supplier of the Czech Republic.
For this purpose, we can choose the form of a medal, which is not legal tender, or a coin, the issuance of which is protected by one of our foreign licensing partners. Such a partner is, for example, the island state of Niue, whose head is Queen Elizabeth II.
You can find out more about the essentials of the so-called "coins of the Czech Mint", which we mint in foreign licenses, here.

110 00 Praha – Praha 1
+420 224 210 932

110 00 Prague – Prague 1
+420 227 272 641

602 00 Brno – střed
+ 420 542 213 713

466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou

Suché mýto 1
811 03 Bratislava

Almas Tower, JLT
United Arab Emirates